BBoys To Men


Spring 2006

 ( A col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject with Liang Lu )
Audio Visu­al ( music video )

Music video pro­ject for artist Rich Med­ina ( USA ) and Mark Klaver­stijn ( Ams­ter­dam ), to cre­ate the music video for Rich Medina’s new track “BBoys To Men” from his new album “Con­nect­ing The Dots”.

We took the lyr­ics of the tracks and developed the idea of “we eat, we grow”. In the video, by con­stantly stuff­ing the objects men­tioned in the lyr­ics into the mouth, we cre­ated a visu­al rep­res­ent­a­tion in the most lit­er­al and straight­for­ward way. It is a nar­rat­ive about how each of us as an inno­cent soul has to take in and cope with all the issues and top­ics from our soci­ety, no mat­ter if we have an appet­ite for it or not.


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