Hudson River


Sum­mer 2012

Cooper­ate Identity

Cor­por­ate brand iden­tity design for vin­tage fur­niture & Amer­ic­ana interi­or boutique Hud­son River at Eer­ste Egel­anti­ersdwarsstraat in Amsterdam.

The pro­ject included cre­at­ing the logo, the win­dow façades of the boutique incor­por­ated with the logo and poet­ic texts, busi­ness cards, post­cards, ink stamps, envel­opes and let­ter­head tem­plates for quo­ta­tion, invoice and receipt.

The design of logo was inspired by the boutique’s name which implic­ates a his­tor­ic Dutch-Amer­ic­an liaison.

Hud­son River, named after the sea explorer Henry Hud­son who was sail­ing for the Dutch East India Com­pany and laid the found­a­tion for Dutch col­on­isa­tion of the region of the mod­ern New York. Mis­ter Wood­ley him­self, a New York­er who moved to Ams­ter­dam to open his own boutique with a vis­ion and vin­tage items relat­ing to stor­ies and nar­rat­ive from the North East regions of the United States. It reminded us of the home-com­ing of what the sea explorer archived cen­tur­ies ago.

Stor­ies and his­tor­ies are like the river, flow­ing into their etern­ity. My design of the logo is to cre­ate the stream­ing of the water flow, from upstream to down­stream, from North to South of the Hud­son, from West to East from New York to Amsterdam.

By spread­ing 10 rhymed lines in pair evenly on the 5 boutique façade’s win­dows, I cre­ated 5 pic­ture frames of the objects and scenes in the boutique for the shop­pers on the streets with a poet­ic touch, accom­pan­ied with the logo as sig­na­tures of the frames.

The design of busi­ness cards, post­cards, ink stamps, envel­opes and let­ter­head tem­plates for quo­ta­tion, invoice and receipt is also giv­en a rus­tic yet clean and mod­ern impres­sion with depth.


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