Grégoire Perrier


Spring 2009
Par­is, FRANCE

Brand Iden­tity, UX/UI Design

Brand Iden­tity and online port­fo­lio UX/UI design for Parisi­an pho­to­graph­er Grégoire Perrier.

Design of the brand iden­tity refers to the typeface that was used on the book cov­er of one of the pho­to­grapher­’s favour­ite nov­els “Auréli­en” by Louis Aragon, clas­sic & simple.

The web­site is inten­ded primar­ily for pro­fes­sion­als or a pub­lic that already has a sens­it­iv­ity to aes­thet­ic concerns.
The aim of the site is to present works & col­lab­or­ated pro­jects that reflect the think­ing pro­cess of the artist and rep­res­ent the core idea of neut­ral, clas­sic and novelistic.
It was designed to his wish of cre­at­ing a nov­el like show­case, com­posed with his pho­to­graphy works in chapters, each chapter being one mont­age of fantasy.
( new tab redir­ects to archived version )


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