21st Hong Kong Lesbian & Gay Film Festival ( 2010 )


Autumn 2010
Hong Kong, HONG KONG

Audio Visu­al ( cine­mat­ic preview )

In Septem­ber 2009 & Octo­ber 2010 the dir­ect­or board of Hong Kong Les­bi­an and Gay Film Fest­iv­al com­mis­sioned cine­mat­ic pre­view trail­ers to be shown before each fea­ture film screen­ing in cinemas.
The trail­ers were cre­ated with selec­ted foot­ages from the festival’s fea­ture and in a mont­age with music track.

2 ver­sions ( ori­gin­al edit & all-audi­ence edit ) have been cre­ated for the 20th HKLGFF ( 2009 ) and 1 ver­sion has been cre­ated for the 21st HKGLFF ( 2010 ).


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