

Spring/Summer 2021
Par­is, FRANCE

C.I., Brand assets, Product Design, Product Devel­op­ment, UX/UI Research & Design, Pack­aging Design

European eco-friendly sunglasses brand.
Cor­por­ate iden­tity & brand image design, products & pro­to­types devel­op­ment, pack­aging design, pho­to­graph­ic visu­al cur­a­tion, web­site & B2C web shop UI/UX research & design, AR devel­op­ment for vir­tu­al try-on with social media plat­forms integ­ra­tion (Spark AR Stu­dio), web­site & web shop con­tent man­age­ment & sys­tem mastering.
Web­site & B2C web­shop (includ­ing AR Vir­tu­al try-on func­tion) were fully oper­a­tion­al and in pre-launch status.


Nya e‑shop
AR Vir­tu­al Try-on


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