Tosca - Vissi d’arte


Spring 2016

Audio Visu­al

Video mont­age ded­ic­ates to dear late good friend, Ugo Francesco Turcio (20th Janu­ary 1962, Palemo, Italy – 10th April 2016, Tilburg, The Netherlands).
With sop­rano aria track from Tosca act 2 by Giac­omo Puccini, sung by Maria Cal­las as Flor­ia Tosca.



Vis­si d’arte, vis­si d’amore, non feci mai male ad anima viva! Con man furt­iva quante miser­ie con­obbi aiutai.
Sempre con fe’ sin­cera la mia pregh­i­era ai santi taber­nacoli salì. Sempre con fe’ sin­cera diedi fiori agli altar.
Nell’ora del dolore per­ché, per­ché, Signore, per­ché me ne rimu­neri così?
Diedi gioi­elli della Madonna al manto, e diedi il canto agli astri, al ciel, che ne ridean più belli. Nell’ora del dolore, per­ché, per­ché, Signor, ah, per­ché me ne rimu­neri così?


(Eng­lish translation)

I lived for art, I lived for love, I nev­er harmed a liv­ing soul! With a dis­creet hand I relieved all mis­for­tunes I encountered.
Always with sin­cere faith my pray­er rose to the holy tab­er­nacles. Always with sin­cere faith I dec­or­ated the altars with flowers.
In this hour of grief, why, why, Lord, why do you reward me thus?
I donated jew­els to the Madon­na’s mantle, and offered songs to the stars and heav­en, which thus shone with more beauty. In this hour of grief, why, why, Lord, ah, why do you reward me thus?


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