TOT ( This Or That )


Spring 2011
Par­is, FRANCE

Cooper­ate Iden­tity, Mar­ket­ing Design, UX/UI Design

Cor­por­ate and Brand Iden­tity for Parisi­an tail­or ready-to-wear fash­ion label TOT ( This Or That ).

The pro­ject included cre­at­ing the logo of the brand, brand tag for the gar­ment, gar­ment care-hand­ling tag, look­books, busi­ness cards, news­let­ter, let­ter­head tem­plates for quo­ta­tion, invoice, receipt & website.

The design of logo is to cre­ate vari­ation and mul­ti­pli­city, thus can be seen as a geo­met­ric form, a mir­ror image or even a funny face, an impres­sion of classy with a touch of playfulness.

The web­site is to func­tion as the online show­case for col­lec­tions, news blog, con­tact & dis­tri­bu­tion information.


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